
Happy Friday...Off to a WEDDING!

One of my best friends and wedding photographers 
(as noted above by the fantastic collage of photos 
take by his company... LOVE his work!) is getting 
MARRIED this weekend! Yay! Dave and I are hitting 
the road for a super long road trip to O-HI-O! 

I can't wait to see you and Nicole, Zac!


A Vintage Claw foot Tub ... Sofa!

Um... A green claw foot tub sofa... have I just hit the 
furniture repurposed heaven or what!? First of all, 
I love that crazy bright green, and could see some 
really fun bright colors to match it. Cushions are a
 must for this sucker though and would be a fun project 
for anyone willing... The only thing I am not in love 
with are those metallic feet. I think I would 
paint them white for a softer look. 

Would you ever be so bold as to us a tub as your sofa?
...You know, assuming it was comfortable...
cushions blankets and pillows galore (of corse)


Dear Fall,

Dear Fall, 
I am not ready for you but if you must come, 
I shall meet you bundled up in cozy layers of stripes.
Sincerely your Friend, 
Fall is upon us. 
What are you wearing?

On my list are: 
scarves (oh so many) 
elbow length gloves
and boots. 


Sand Art in California... Wow.

Can you imagine walking out onto the beach and 
seeing these beautiful sand drawings? Can you also 
imagine spending hours making these awesome beach
 art pieces knowing they will wash away with the tide?

 Self taught American artist, Jim Denevan has draped
 the Northern California coasts with these beautiful 
layers of impermanent sandy artworks for the past 
17 years. Wouldn't it be cool to walk out onto the 
beach one morning to see all of that?!


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