

When I think about Typography Design two things are important to me:
A: Creativity and Layout and B: What it actually says. 
So I double love Kavan & Co's brilliant typography skills. Not only are the designs 
colorful and cheery, they say really wonderful things, and my heart just jumps at 
any well-put combination of words and images. I really appreciate the layers of 
'doodles' and shapes. It makes each design completely unique and absolutely cool. 
Wouldn't the pencil design be great in a Studio? I mean, could it be more perfect? 
It says it all. 


Satchel and Sage { xox }

Satchel and Sage caught my eye with their adorable collaged Animal Prints. Wouldn't 
these be cute in a little boys nursery collaged on the wall? Satchel and Sage has tons 
of adorable prints like this one about a terrarium, and some super cool venn-diagrams.
Check 'em out...



I am totally enamored with Pietari Posti's amazing illustrations. The movement and line 
use are addicting, I can't pull my eyes off of them. I really admire his limited palette as well. 
I think I have nail polish in all of those colors :).  Limiting yourself is often a tough thing 
todo, but I think this palette is beautiful. Pietari also does a great job keeping the 
composition moving and allowing the focal pieces to pop. Can you feel your eye moving 
across the illustration in each of these?

And... Im back!

After five days in Sunny California with the cutest little face in the world, returning to 
work is proving to be a bit more difficult than usual. Let's talk about California for a 
minute. SO, I live in Maryland, and I consider it to be a pretty hip state with lots of 
coolness to offer... But have you been to California? There is so much coolness there. 
I am talking, smoothies with spinach, fresh markets everywhere, surfers and barrels of 
candy! Vintage, Retro, Contemporary... California was filled with all of it. 

And that cutie new nephew of mine! Oddly enough, we arrived during a cloudy spell 
(apparently the marine layer was out of control) so we didn't get too much sun while we 
were out there. BUT that just gave us the opportunity to swoon over the newest, 
most awesome member of our family. 

We became best friends pretty quick. My sister is a natural mother and Cole is totally 
in love with his mom and dad. Can you blame him?


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