
TYPOGRAPHY FRIDAY: Tattoo Typography

I have always wanted a tattoo with something fiercely moving written in beautify script. 
But a tattoo is forever and I knew there weren't any words that could be that fierce forever, 
so I never got one. But I think these tattoos are beautiful and I love their design and 
placement. What about you? Do you have a tattoo? What would yours say?
Photo Credits: photo 1photo 2&3photo 4



This week's Illustration Inspiration comes from the talented, Sandra Dieckmann of 
East London. Sandra says her inspiration comes straight from nature... this is clearly 
shown in all of her work. Her beautiful work looks as if it has been collaged, 
but upon closer inspection, you can see layers of painted in texture. The texture that 
she adds to all of her work creates a beautiful marriage between the natural lines
 of nature, and repetitive geometric lines. These lines lend to a Native American feel, 
reinforcing again her strong tie to nature. I adore her work. What do you think?

For more illustrations from Sandra visit her site: Sandra Dieckmann Illustration



My favorite part of my Job is when I am commissioned to illustrate a children's book.
 So when Thomas Knight approached me with his adorable book, 'Ada Chewed Some 
Gum' I was thrilled to par-take. This is just a snippet of what I have created for the
 book, to get everyone amped up for its release.

My Process is simple but it happens in a three stages. First I illustrate/sketch the 
characters and scene (sometimes together, sometimes separate). Than I ink the sketch 
over and scan the inked image. After its scanned, I touch up the inked lines and 
color it all in photoshop. It is a lengthy process but I have found this works best for me.

I can't wait to see it completed and formatted. How about you?
Ada Chewed Some Gum will be available soon here.

And don't forget about My Dad is My Hero Illustrated by me 
and written by Lauren Wade


'Obviously', Audrey Corregan

I was drawn to Audrey Corregan's photographic series titled 'Obviously' specifically
because of that brown bird at the bottom left. I couldn't quite place it until I saw the 
other bird portraits. It almost looks furry... Birds are interesting creatures aren't they? 
The fact that they can fly puts them pretty high on the coolness scale as well. And 
in this series, it almost seems like they are angry with us. Its like they have nothing to say 
to us and are deep in thought about how we have shamed them. Its interesting the 'wise' 
persona that some birds have been given, isn't it? Like all of them are 1000 years old and 
know so many more years of knowledge then we do... 


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