
Snowed in?

 With all the snow we have been receiving, one thing is for sure...CABIN FEVER! Its hard for me to stay inside when the weather gets to rough... Here are beautifully portrayed ideas that inspire me, don't let the weather get the best of you...

One sure bet to beat cabin fever is to take a walk! Brave the elements and get outside. J. Ashley Kirby makes this winter walk seem painless and romantic...
Or there is always the option of hunkering down with your sweetheart and taking a nice afternoon nap, as the snow covers the roof above you. It seems extra nice to be warm and cozy, when the weather outside is so frightful.
Illustration by, Kurt Halsey
And Naturally, get comfortable by a fire and lose yourself in a great book. I am currently reading two books (bad habit) both are very good, "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett and "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett... and I can confidently recommend both.

And if you want to get a little bit crazy...make some hot chocolate, toss a bit of vanilla in there and...drink it out of a snout cup...

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